We made exciting progress on the following fronts:
- Identified a model that would extend learning beyond the course i.e. Family Science Courses.
- Conducted a 40 hour course with 60 high school students in which they designed and built a city that ran on wind, water, solar (and human) power.
- Developed a partnership with the Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering Department, USC through which undergraduate students earned 3 credits for teaching these courses. We started off the “Engineers as Teachers” course with 6 students in the fall. They conducted 8-18 hour courses on Aeronautics, Physics of Sailing, Renewable Energy and Rockets!
- We conducted three Family Science Courses (in addition to 40 courses for children) in 2007. Two were in the morning (at Johnnie Cochran Middle School and Audubon Middle School) and one in the evening (Shenandoah St Elementary). We got about 4-8 parents for the morning courses and about 32 families (~ 80 participants) in the evening course.