Today we celebrated the entire Technovation Community at World Summit, the event that marks the end of every Technovation Girls season. We’ll share the final results soon, but before we do we want to reiterate what a wonderful job everyone did this year. A lot of people said it today, but we’ll say it again—we are so proud of everyone who participated this season, whether you’re a student, a parent, a mentor, a judge, an ambassador, or a volunteer…you all are what makes the Technovation community so powerful. Thank you for joining us this year.

The 2021-2022 Season by the Numbers

Over 5,700 girls created nearly 1,700 projects to community problems. (That’s 1,700 ways the world is just a little bit better this year than it was last October).

  • 19% of those projects were created by our youngest learners in our new Beginner Division. Way to set an example, Beginner Division! We hope you’ll come back next year and keep impressing us with new ideas or improvements on this years’ project.
  • And 16% of teams took the plunge and created projects that use AI technology, leading the way by submitting to the first-ever AI submission track.

You’re all brave for daring to step up and make a change in your community, and not waiting for someone else to do it first. The world needs you, your ideas, and your vibrance.

And of course, none of it would be possible without volunteers—the mentors, judges, ambassadors, and other supporters who make this work possible. This season we were so grateful to the volunteers who made sure teams felt heard and supported, who included:

  • Over 2,500 mentors
  • Over 125 Chapter and Club Ambassadors and over 100 Student Ambassadors
  • Over 1,100 Judges

Thank you again for joining us this season, and being a part of this community. We’re looking forward to sharing more information about our upcoming season in a couple of months, but if you want to stay in the loop, sign up for the newsletter, or sign up to be the first to hear when registration for the next season opens. And as always, you can find our latest news on social media.

2022 Technovation girls season Award Winners

BEGINNER DIVISION (8 – 12 years old)

Social Impact Award

Awarded to team Fahari Ya Msichana from Tanzania, for their app Andalio, a digital lesson planning tool for teachers that allows them to replace their outdated paper lesson plans and booklets with a quicker, more environmentally friendly tool.

Technology Award

Awarded to team Connected Girls, from Brazil, for their app Bella Connected Ears, which helps alert hearing-imparied users of impending danger by recording real-time alerts like sirens, horns, or alarms and triggering an alert that vibrates and draws the users attention.

Grand Prize

Awarded to team The Unstoppable Tech Girl, from India, for her app cHHange – It’s Normal, an app that educates young people about puberty, which is often seen as a taboo topic, even within families. The app includes an AI chatbot that makes it more comfortable for users to ask questions.

JUNIOR DIVISION (13 – 15 years old)

Social Innovation Award

Awarded to Team Almasi, from Kenya, for their app EndCut, which aims to stop Female Gential Mutilation & early marriage by providing an alternate road to economic empowerment for Samburu community women. EndCut sells beaded jewelry made by the highly skilled Samburu women to the rest of the world. EndCut also provides information about the dangers of FGM

Technology Award

Awarded to team 6-Asthma, from the United States, for their app 6-Asthma, a tool designed for asthma patients. 6-Asthma includes a comprehensive map that indicates locations where other users have had an asthma attack, so users can avoid or take extra precautions around those areas. It also allows users to record their symptoms, visualize their peak flow in a graph and send it to their doctor right away.

Grand Prize

Awarded to team Epicare, from India, for their app EpiCare, which helps people diagnosed with epilepsy during emergencies. EpiCare’s SOS feature kicks in at the user’s initiation or upon automatic detection of jerking movements, and alerts their emergency contacts. EpiCare also delivers step-by-step aural instructions alongside visual graphics to guide bystanders in providing immediate first-aid.

SENIOR DIVISION (16 – 18 years old)

Social Innovation Award

Awarded to team CASPSTEMGirls123, from India, for their app Mahila, which normalizes feminine care. Open conversations regarding menstrual and sexual healthcare for women are stigmatized and avoided, causing misinformation. The minimal information available is not inclusive of non-binary people with uteruses or trans women. Mahila was built to address these gaps for people with uteruses and trans women ages 7-18, providing them with useful information regarding sexual, menstrual, and hormonal healthcare.

Technology Award

Awarded to team Justicia Senior 13 from Chile, for their app TAI: difusión de Tecnología, Aprendizaje e Innovación, which allows users to access and share projects, current people who inspire them, organizations, tools, royalty-free material and other resources with each other. TAI also offers learning experiences and opportunities.

Grand Prize

Awarded to Team ShareEdu, from the United States, for her app ShareEDU provides schools and teachers around the world a precise and convenient way of tracking group discussions to an immediate and multi-faceted analysis or feedback on student participation. We propose an innovative resource that meets today’s evolving educational trends and needs surrounding collaborative learning discussions.


Alumnae Changemaker Award Winner

In recognition of her outstanding contribution to solving an environmental challenge in her community, the first ever Alumnae Changemaker Award was awarded to Winnie Msamba, from Kenya, for her work on Morogoro Cocopeat, an initiative to help small farmers switch to the more environmentally-friendly cocopeat (a 100% organic growing medium made from coconut husks). So far Winnie and Morogoro Cocopeat have manufactured and sold over 50 tons of cocopeat.

The Alumnae Technovation Award was created to recognize a Technovation Girls alumna who is solving an environmental problem in her community. The award comes with a $5,000 cash prize. 

Climate Prize Winners

The Climate Prize was awarded to team Team Alset Girls from Chile, with their app Owatt for their work to create technology that helps fight climate change. Owatt encourages families to reduce their energy consumption by allowing them to his compete with other families, and by giving tips and important information about energy.

Mental Health Prize Winners

The Mental Health Prize (the second Special Prize for 2022) was awarded to team Illuminate from Canada, for their app Light, which makes mental health resources on topics ranging from depression and anxiety to sexual health and gender identity more accessible for students. Light’s collection of resources is carefully curated for young people in British Columbia.

People’s Choice Award

The People’s Choice Award went to team Menudas Mentes from Spain for their app WE R, which uses an AI model to recognize different types of plastics. It seeks to raise awareness about the plastic pollution problem through the 5 Rs: Reject, Reduce, Recycle, Reuse and Repair.

Congratulations again to all teams, volunteers, and supporters for an incredible season. We hope to see you in a few months to kick off the next season of Technovation Girls!