We celebrated the end of another amazing Technovation Girls season today at the Final Pitch event and Award Ceremony for World Summit 2023 generously hosted by our partners as Synopsys. It meant a great deal to us to be able to host World Summit in person for the first time since 2019, and to meet the incredible Finalist teams and their chaperones in person. Read on to learn which teams took home the season’s top prizes. Before we get to that though, we want to take one more moment to say it again—we are so proud of every person who joined us this season, as students, mentors, ambassadors, volunteers, judges, and the people cheering everyone on. Technovation is so honored to be part of your journeys as innovators, leaders, and future-shapers.
Registration for the next season of Technovation Girls opens next week, on October 11, 2023, and we hope you’ll join us again for another year of learning, growth, and community.
Congratulations again—to the winners, and to the entire Technovation community.
Technovation Girls 2023 Season Award Winners
BEGINNER DIVISION (8 – 12 years old)
Social Impact Award
Awarded to Team NiVia, from Nigeria, for their app credABLE which offers an electronic way of voting to reduce violence and fund mismanagement during elections in Nigeria. The app will provide a secure and transparent electoral process accessible to all Nigerians in the comfort of their homes.
Technology Award
Awarded to Team AI Health Crusaders, from India, for their app LC-Care (Lung Cancer Care) which aids in earlier detection of lung cancer by using AI to analyze users’ potential risk of developing Lung Cancer and suggests food, exercises, and contacts to doctors and hospitals to those who are at higher risk.
Grand Prize
Awarded to Team Neurona, from Mexico, for their app Huellas which connects shelters and rescuers so that the 70% of the 27 million dogs and cats in México that are abandoned can find safe homes.
JUNIOR DIVISION (13 – 15 years old)
Social Impact Award
Awarded to The Bongos Team, from Ireland, for their app Bongo Buddies Wellness App which helps teenagers who are struggling with mental health. The user can track their feelings and ask Chatbot Bongo questions. Bongo provides certified mental health advice from a school counselor and aims to give positive guidance and ways to cope in challenging situations.
Technology Award
Awarded to Team the Unstoppable Tech Girl, from India, for her app Quake It Off, an App for earthquake preparation and early detection. The app presents live and future earthquake predictions for the user’s location, divided into four parts: possible depth, magnitude, chance of fleeing the tremor, and classification.
Grand Prize
Awarded to Team the Bionic Girls, from Brazil, for their app Connect Sounds which they developed for the deaf and hearing impaired. The app is connected to a vibrating bracelet that alerts the user to alarms, such as fire alarms, weather alarms, or others that the user can register into the app.
SENIOR DIVISION (16 – 18 years old)
Social Innovation Award
Awarded to Team Tecnas, from Uzbekistan, for their app Sinov, a VR app that offers an immersive and realistic laboratory experience to bridge the gap for students without access to conventional science equipment or dedicated lab facilities in their schools.
Technology Award
Awarded to TeamSaFeeder, from Spain, for their app SaFeeder which controls the overpopulation of non-native species by using AI and image recognition to dispense sterilized feed only to nonnative birds, preserving local biodiversity.
Grand Prize
Awarded to Artisteam, from Brazil, for their app Colorar which aims to assist women before, during, and after reporting domestic violence. The team developed the app in response to the 12 women killed per day in domestic violence cases.
Additional Prizes
Awarded to team Spes☆Dojo from Japan, for their app Greely. Greely educates and encourages users to grow their own green-living-screens to help lower household energy use.
Awarded to team SwiftPixels from the United States for their app HOPE. HOPE connects volunteers and refugees in need. Through HOPE, refugees can to schedule food, clothing, and toy pick-ups or deliveries, access translation services, and medical services.
First Place Winner: Atwiine Sabrina (Uganda)
EFE (A Zulu name given to Women/Girls to mean WEALTH): Eliminating the gendered division of labor by providing women business owners tech, business development and entrepreneurship training, mentorship and grant/incubation opportunities.
Second Place Winner: Team WePlanet (Dominica)
Christianna Paul, ZebadiJah Maxwell, Kyra Edwards, Mhea Bardouille, and Kyanna Dyer
WePlanet Inc: Encouraging eco-friendly activities, raising awareness on how individual consumer actions impact the local environment, and incentivizing eco-friendly actions with prizes, via the app WePlanet.
Third Place Winner: Archika Dogra (United States)
Innoverge: Advancing STEMxHumanities education in underserved communities globally, with the aim to cultivate a diverse and empowered next generation of changemakers who contribute to social good.
Registration opens next week—sign up to get an email reminder!