Should you pay students to go to school?

I just came back from the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) conference in New Orleans. It was not as intense as my last year’s experi...

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ALOUD Business Forum: Fresh Approaches to Branding and Marketing

So I just went to a business forum event in downtown Los Angeles. It was great! Before the details and lessons that I picked up vanish, I’m goin...

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Lone Warrior – Tribal Leadership

I have been reading “Tribal Leadership” that talks about the five stages of workplace culture. This is from an interview with Dave Logan (...

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Proposal Writing and Pictures of Mountains

Ok! we are back in the big leagues again – 70 and more hours/week. Its mostly because I have started working on a big fat federal grant (due in ...

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Where does the time go?

Weekly report # 4 and I am increasingly puzzled as to where all the time is going. I started keeping the Toggl reports a month ago and logged a respec...

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Do you think like a CEO?

I have been toying with the concept of “employee ownership” for a very long time and here are some thoughts. By now I have had more than 3...

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The wondrous incident of the dog in the night-time

Before I explain more, here is my weekly report. As you can see , there has been an almost 20% decrease in productivity since last week! I did crank o...

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Have you ever wondered….

How electricity is generated? This is one of the hardest concepts to understand and teach. And we took a shot at it 🙂 We spent 3.5 months coming up...

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Working in the Informal Science Education field

First off, here is my weekly report:It is quite different from last week’s as our team is growing rapidly and we are working on developing an or...

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How hard do I work?

I came across this online program called Toggl and was hooked. I am addicted to logging stuff and this makes it pretty easy. Plus I have always wanted...

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5th graders at Chiragh Grammar, India

I taught our “Build and Fly” session to the 5th graders at Chiragh Grammar today. I do have a soft corner for this school, but I must admi...

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“Build and Fly” – in India

Warning: sweeping generalizations in this post! I taught our “Build and Fly” session for 6th, 7th and 8th grade at Chiragh Grammar School....

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