
Every year we challenge girls around the world to solve problems in their communities. This App Gallery showcases some of the top solutions from recent years. We hope they inspire you to solve a problem you care about in your community!

11 Results
  • Artificial Intelligence
    • LC-Care (Lung Cancer Care)

    • India

    • Lung Cancer, found earlier, is more likely to be treated successfully. LC-Care, recognizes your potential risk of getting Lung Cancer and suggests food, exercises, and contacts to doctors and hospitals in case you are at a risk.
    • Program: Girls
    • Topic: Artificial intelligence*
  • 2023 Finalist
    • Project HeartScope

    • Canada

    • Introducing Project HeartScope: Revolutionizing Heart Health with AI! Project HeartScope centers around utilizing machine-learning systems to detect cardiomegaly from X-ray scans.
    • Program: Girls
    • Topic: Artificial intelligence*
  • 2023 Finalist
    • SaFeeder

    • Spain

    • Monk Parakeets are an invasive species in Spain. Using AI and training techniques, Team SaFeeder developed a bird feeder that aligns with sustainable development principles. The AI-powered feeder can identify the unique perch of monk parakeets, ensuring that only that species can access the sterilizing feed.
      2023 Technology Award Winner
    • Program: Girls
    • Topic: Artificial intelligence*
  • Artificial Intelligence
    • Watey

    • Japan

    • "Watey" simplifies water conservation for families. AI identifies shower sounds, measures usage, and tracks water savings, (and is compatible with Flow meters and microbits). Family members share goals, and add fish to a virtual sea as they meet goals.
    • Program: Girls
    • Topic: Artificial intelligence*
  • 2023 Finalist
    • T.E.D.D.Y

    • United States

    • T.E.D.D.Y (Text-based Early Distress Detector for Youth) is an AI-powered early distress detector for youth. It addresses critical mental-health concerns among adolescents and helps teachers and counselors identify potential issues by analyzing language patterns and negative sentiments.
    • Program: Girls
    • Topic: Artificial intelligence*
  • 2021 Artificial Intelligence
    • Pocketfires

    • United States

    • Pocketfires puts resources for wildfire preparedness in one place. Users can check news, track wildfires, and get notifications when high-risk fires are detected in their area.
    • Program: Girls
    • Topic: Artificial intelligence*