

Hello Technovation Alumnae!

We're so proud of you and everything you've accomplished. Whether you just finished your program this past season or were in our first Technovation Girls cohort in 2010, this page is for you.

You'll find tools to help you stay in contact with us, opportunities to volunteer, and stories of what your fellow alumnae are up to and how they too are changing the world.


Stay Connected

Alumnae Newsletter

Stay in the loop. This is the place to learn about scholarships, internships, events, and other Technovation alumnae-only opportunities. An email address is all you need to join!

Sign Up!

Alumnae LinkedIn Group

Join the Technovation Alumnae LinkedIn group to learn about new opportunities and connect with other alumnae. Whether you’re  applying to college, beginning your career, or simply looking to build your professional network, you’ll find thoughtful Technovation alums with great advice and thoughtful suggestions.

You will need to be 16 or older and have a LinkedIn account, in order to be able to join the group.

If you don’t have a LinkedIn account, or are younger than 16, never fear! We send leadership and professional development opportunities in our email newsletter too.

Join the group!

Continuing your Technovation Journey

Your Technovation journey doesn’t end when you hit submit on your project—there are a lot of ways to stay connected to Technovation, and to continue to be a leader for your community.

Success and leadership take many different forms and look different from person to person. We want to work with you to make sure you develop the skills you want to develop and become the sort of leader you think your community needs.

There are a number of Technovation Alumnae opportunities that can support you as you grow and learn. Explore them below.


If you're 13 or older....

Be a Student Ambassador

Be a leader in your local Technovation Girls community. As a Student Ambassador, you'll recruit new participants to the program and support them throughout the season. This is a challenging role, but if you're looking to build your leadership skills and help empower students to improve their communities through technology, it's worth the effort!

The 2024/25 Application is closed


Who is eligible to apply?

  1. Students who have participated and completed a project in at least ONE season of Technovation Girls
  2. Students who are between the ages to 13 and 20
  3. Students from any country/region

*Please note, if you did not complete your submission at least once while participating in Technovation girls, you may not apply to be a Student Ambassador.


Please see our FAQ articles, and then email us at [email protected] with “Question about Student Ambassador Program” in the Subject Line.

Applications for the 24/25 season are closed


Be a Student Club Leader

Help recruit and support students as they move through the Technovation Girls curriculum and encourage teams to complete their projects.

Technovation Student Clubs are smaller than Technovation Clubs and do not require the same time commitment, but we highly encourage you to find a trusted adult, such as a parent or teacher, to help advise and support you.

To apply as a Student Club Leader, fill out this form.

If you're over the age of 18...

Become a mentor

Register as a mentor to support a team of girls in your community

Support girls in your community to embark on a learning journey like the one you’ve taken! Help them explore technology and entrepreneurship, and develop their creative problem-solving and  technical skills. You can mentor one team or several teams.

If you are 18 years of age or older, click to learn more about the Mentor program, or sign up on our platform (registration opens in October 2024)

Become a Club Ambassador

You can apply to lead your own Technovation Girls Club!

Recruit, support, and encourage at least 5 teams of girls in your community as they participate in Technovation Girls.

Please note that this role requires a significant amount of responsibility.

Club Ambassador Registration for the 2023 Technovation Girls season is currently closed.

Apply by July 21, 2024!

2024 Alumnae Changemaker Award

The 2024 Technovation Alumna Changemaker Award will recognize an alumna who has used AI to address a problem related to one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the past year.

Learn more about the eligibility requirements, application process, and prizes in our announcement blog post.

Graphic of a certificate with a medal on it. Beneath the Graphic are the words "Alumnae Changemaker Award"

Apply for speaking opportunities

Share your story with Technovation

As a Technovation alum, we know you have lots of engaging stories to share. Whether they’re from your experiences as a Technovation Girls’ participant, as a student, or as a young professionalwe want to hear about it! Selected applicants will be invited to speak at future Technovation events/media opportunities.

Who is eligible to apply? 

  • Participated and submitted a project in at least ONE season of Technovation Girls
  • Any age

Please note that we will not be able to respond to all applicants.

Video Resources

Check out Alumnae-related events and recordings on our YouTube channel!

We’re always adding new content—subscribe so you don’t miss anything.

Alumnae Spotlights

The 13 year-old using AI to tackle opioid addiction

Read Blog

The teenager reducing food waste in India

Read Blog